






2014 World Invention Intellectual Property Associations Macau International Innovation & Invention Expo Contribution Award
2014 World Invention Intellectual Property Associations Macau International Innovation & Invention Expo Silver Medal
2013 Ministry of Economic Affairs National Invention and Creation Award Gold Medal for inventing “Detecting assembly for a multi-axis machine tool”
2013 Instrument Technology Research Center of National Applied Research Laboratories The 5th International Instrument Technology Innovation Competition, i-ONE Student wining the 3rd place of First Prize
2013 Goodway Technology in collaboration with National Chung-Hsing University Precision Machinery and Automation Technology Practice Competition Student won the 3rd place of Master’s Student Group
2012 National Association of Inventors (Italy) Expò Inventeco 2012 Gold Medal for inventing “Coplanar Translational Stages”
2011 HIWIN Technologies Corp. The 8th Hiwin Thesis Award Student won Award of Excellence
2010 Ministry of Science and Technology Ta-You Wu Memorial Award

2010 Instrument Technology Research Center of National Applied Research Laboratories The 2nd International Instrument Technology Innovation Competition, i-ONE Student won the 1st place of First Prize
2009 Instrument Technology Research Center of National Applied Research Laboratories The 1st International Instrument Technology Innovation Competition, i-ONE Student won the 1st place of First Prize
2007 Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan Nanotechnology Industry Development Association (TANIDA) The 3rd Innovation Award of Taiwan Nanotechnology
2005 Chinese Institute of Engineers Chinese Institute of Engineers Thesis Award “Development of a Novel Heavy-Loading Flexure Hinge Based Stack-Type Five-Degree-of-Freedom Nanometer Positioning Stage”
2004 Chinese Metrology Society The 1st Technology R&D Innovation Award Won the 1st place for “Development of a Diffraction-Type Optical Triangulation Sensor”