








Shao-En Chen, Ray-Yeng Yang, Guang-Kai Wu, Chia-Che Wu*, "A piezoelectric wave-energy converter equipped with a geared-linkage-based frequency up-conversion mechanism," sensors, accepted.


Y.-J. Fan, Y.-C. Hsu, B.-C. Gu, C.-C. Wu*, 2020, "Voltammetric measurement of Escherichia coli concentration through p-APG hydrolysis by endogenous beta-galactosidase," Microchemical Journal, 154, 104641 (SCI, IF=3.206, Ranking=20/84)


C.-F. Yeh, W. Tai, C.-H. Lin, D. S. Juang, C.-C. Wu, Y. Chen, and C.-H. Hsu*, 2015, "Towards an Endpoint Cell Motility Assay by a Microfluidic Platform," IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 14(8), 835-840 (SCI, IF=1.927, Ranking=67/94)


E.-C. Liao, C.-Y. Chang, C.-C. Wu, G.-J. Wang, J.-J. Tsai, 2015, "Association of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the MD-2 Gene Promoter Region With Der p 2 Allergy," Allergy Asthma & Immunology Research, 7(3), 249-255 (SCI, IF=5.026, Ranking=6/27)


B.-Y. Wang, F.-C. Hsieh, C.-Y. Lin, S.-E. Chen, F.-Z. Chen, C.-C. Wu* , 2014, “ Development of a piezoelectric vacuum sensing component for a wide pressure range,” Sensors, 14, 22099-22112 (SCI, IF=3.031, Ranking=15/61)


C.-C. Wu*, B.-C. Ku, C.-H. Ko, C.-C. Chiu, G.-J. Wang, Y.-H. Yang, S.-J. Wu, 2014, “Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis of A-beta (1-42) peptide using a nanostructured biochip,” Electrochim. Acta, 134, p 249-257 (SCI, IF=5.383, Ranking=5/26)


Y.-T. Chin, E.-C. Liao, C.-C. Wu, G.-J. Wang and J.J. Tsai, 2014, ”Detection of the haplotype mutations of the MD-2 gene promoter associated with Der p2-induced allergy using a nanostructured biosensor,” Journal of Nanomedicine, 9, 1403-1412, (SCI, IF=4.471, Ranking=34/267)


C.-C. Wu*, C.-H. Hsueh, Y.-T. Chang, C.-T. Chang, K.-J. Chung, 2013, “A patterning technique of lead zirconate titanate thin film by ultraviolet-light,” Microsystem Technology, 19, 853-859 (SCI, IF=1.513, Ranking=176/266)


Y.-T. Chin, E.-C. Liao, C.-C. Wu, G.-J. Wang, J.-J. Tsai, 2013, “Label-free detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with myeloid differentiation-2 using a nanostructured biosensor,” Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 49, 506–511, (SCI, IF=9.518, Ranking=2/26)


C.-C. Wu*, P.-K.Tseng, C.-H. Tsai, and Y.-L. Liu, 2012, “Increased Density and Coverage Uniformity of Viruses on a Sensor Surface by using U-Type, T-Type, and W-Type Microfluidic Devices,” Biomicrofluidics, 6, 024124, (SCI, IF=2.531, Ranking=11/32)


C.-C. Wu*, Chi-Shao Chen, 2012, “An electromechanical model for clamped-clamped beam type piezoelectric transformer,” Microsystem Technology, 18, 1771–1778, (SCI, IF=1.513, Ranking=176/266)


Y.-F. Liu, J. –J. Tsai, Y.-T. Chin, E.-C. Liao, C.-C. Wu, G.-J. Wang, 2012, “Detection of allergies using a silver nanoparticle modified nanostructured biosensor,” Sensors and Actuators B – Chemical, 171-172, 1095-1110, (SCI, IF=6.393, Ranking=2/61)


Y. S. Chen, C.-C.Wu, J. J. Tsai, and G. J. Wang, 2012, “Electrochemical impedimetric biosensor based on a nanostructured polycarbonate substrate,” International Journal of Nanomedicine, 7, 133-140, (SCI, IF=4.471, Ranking=34/267)


C.-H. Hsueh, C.-C. Wu*, 2010, “Fabrication of lead zirconium titanium and silica composite films on copper/polyimide flexible substrates,” Smart Materials and Structures, 19, Pages 124005 (SCI, IF=3.622, Ranking=8/61)


I. Y. Shen, G. Z. Cao, C.-C. Wu, and C.-C. Lee, 2006, “PZT Thin-Film Meso- and Micro Devices,” Ferroelectrics, 342, Page 15-34. (SCI)


C.-C. Wu, C.-C. Lee, G.Z. Cao, and I.Y. Shen, 2006, Jan, “Effects of corner frequency on bandwidth and resonance amplitude in designing PZT thin-film actuators,” Sensors and Actuators A, 125, Pages 178-185, (SCI)


Y. C. Hsu, C. C. Wu, C. C. Lee, G. Z. Cao, and I. Y. Shen, 2004, Oct, “Demonstration and Characterization of PZT Thin-Film Sensors and Actuators for Meso- and Micro- Structures,” Sensors and Actuators A, 116, page 369-377, (SCI)


B.-Y. Wang, C.-C. Wu Development of a piezoelectric vacuum sensing component for a wide pressure range Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, April 02-04, 2014, Cannes, France


C.-C. Wu, Y.-C. Hung, C.-H. Tsai, G.-J. Wang, “Manipulation, culturing and real-time investigation of a single A549 cell by microenvironment,” Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 11-13, 2012, Cannes, France


C.-C. Wu, C.-T. Chang, “A patterning technique of lead zirconate titanate thin film by ultraviolet light,” Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 11-13, 2012, Cannes, France


C.-C. Wu, C.-J. Wu, “A study of using PZT membrane sensor to observe the growth of human lung cancer cell A549,” Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, May 11-13, 2012, Cannes, France


吳嘉哲, 林哲宇, “橋式壓電感測器在真空壓力量測之研究,” 中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會論文集, 國立中山大學, 高雄市, 台灣, 2012年12月


C.-C. Wu, P.-K. Tseng, C.-H. Tsai, “Improving Adhesion Density and Coverage Uniformity of Antibody-Antigen Binding on a Sensor Surface using U-type, T-type and W-type Microfluidic Devices,” Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2011, August 28-31, 2011, Washington, DC, USA, paper DETC2011 -47528 (EI)


C.-S. Chen, C.-C. Wu*, “An Electromechanical Model for clamped-clamped Beam Type Piezoelectric Transformer,” Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS May 11-13, 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France


C.-C. Wu*, M.-J. Hou, L.-H. Hung, C.-H. Tsai, Y.-L. Liu, “Increasing density of antibody-antigen binding on sensors' surface by controlling microfluidic environment,” Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS May 11-13, 2011, Aix-en-Provence, France


K.-J. Chung, L. Yang, B.-Y. Wang, C.-C. Wu, “The Investigation of Modified Norris‐Landzberg Acceleration Models for Reliability Assessment of Ball Grid Array Packages,” 2010 5th International Microsystems Packaging Assembly and Circuits Technology Conference (IMPACT), Oct20-22, Taipei, Taiwan (EI)


吳嘉哲,張志綱, “微小質量量測之自我激發鋯鈦酸鉛薄板感測器,” 中國機械工程學會第二十六屆全國學術研討會論文集, 國立成功大學, 台南市台灣, 2009年11月


C.-C. Wu*, H.-J. Tseng, C.-H. Shneh, “Critical Parameters to Fabricate PZT Thin Films on Annealed and Nonannealed Pt/Ti/SiNx/SiO2/Si Substrate via Sol-Gel Process,” 20th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, October 20-22, 2009, Hong Kong, China


C.-C. Wu*, C.-H. Shneh, “Fabrication of Silica and PZT Composite Films on Cu/PI Flexible Substrates,” 20th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, October 20-22, 2009, Hong Kong, China


C.-C. Wu*, P.-K Tseng, M.-J. Hou, C.-H. Tsai, “Adhesive Density of 11-Mercaptoundecanoic Acid (MUA) and Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus (TYMV) in Microfluidic Channels,” Proceedings of the ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2009, August 30- September 7, 2009, San Diego, CA, USA, paper DETC2009 -86222


吳嘉哲,曾秉國,蔡慶修,”利用摺疊型微流晶片提昇MUA (11-MERCAPTOUNDECANOIC ACID)分子膜於感測平面之接附密度與覆蓋均勻度,” 第十三屆奈米工程暨微系統研討會, 新竹, 2009年7月


吳嘉哲,薛竣鴻, “低溫沈積壓電複合薄膜在Cu/PI 可撓性基板之研究,” 第十三屆奈米工程暨微系統研討會, 新竹, 2009年7月


C.-C. Wu*, M.-J. Hou, P.-K Tseng, C.-H. Tsai, “Adhesive Density of MUA in Microfluidic Channels,” The 10th International Conference on Automation Technology, Jun 2009, Tainan, Taiwan


C.-Y. Tsui, C.-C. Wu*, M.-C. Lu, C.-F. Huang, “Drilling of Microholes on Silicon Wafer with Ultrasonic Workpiece Holder,“ Proceedings of the ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2008, August 3-7, 2008, New York City, NY, USA, paper DETC2008/VIB-50026


吳嘉哲, 莊坤霖, 2008, “整合微機械加工之鋯鈦酸鉛懸臂樑結構製作研究,” 中國機械工程學會第二十五屆全國學術研討會論文集, 私立大葉大學, 彰化員林, 2008年11月22~23日, E01-32


吳嘉哲, 邱顯俊, 宋孟桓, 陳麗同, 鍾官榮, 2008, “鋯鈦酸鉛薄膜之性質量測及其在發電裝置應用之研究, ” 2008彰雲嘉大學校院聯盟學術研討會論文集, 國立彰化師範大學, 彰化, 2008年12月25日, ID179


Chia-Che Wu, “Integrating Microfluidic Channel in Virus Sensors to Enhance MUA Density on Sensors’ Surface,” The 2nd Japan-Taiwan Joint Symposium on Organized Nanomaterials and Nanostructures Related to Photoscience, Nov 4-8, 2008, Kyoto University, Japan


吳嘉哲, 莊坤霖, 曾泓傑, “鋯鈦酸鉛薄膜微共振器之可行性分析,” 第十一屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會,2007年08月30-31日,國立中興大學,台中


C.-C. Wu, C.-C. Lee, G.Z. Cao, I.Y. Shen, “Feasibility study of Smart PZT Thin-Film Microresonators,” Proceeding of 2006 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 5-10, 2006, Chicago, Illinois, USA, paper IMECE 2006-13931


C.-C. Wu, G.Z. Cao, J.-C. Chang, I.Y. Shen, “Critical Parameters in Fabricating Sol-Gel Derived PZT Thin Films,” 17th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, October 16-19, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan