








Alvarez-Elizondo, M. B., Li, C. W., Marom, A., Tung, Y. T., Drillich, G., Horesh, Y., Lin, S. C., Wang, G. J.*, Weihs, D.*, Micropatterned topographies reveal measurable differences between cancer and benign cells, Medical Engineering & Physics, 75, 5-12, 2020. (IF=1.785) 台-以國際合作


Chu, T. F., Rajendran, R., Kuznetsova, I., and Wang, G. J.*, High-power, non-enzymatic glucose biofuel cell based on a nano/micro hybrid-structured Au anode, Journal of Power Sources, 453, 227844, 2020. (IF=7.467) 台-俄國際合作


Wang, W. J., Lee, C. H., Li, C. W., Liao, S., Jan, F. J.**, and Wang, G. J.*, Orchid virus detection from orchid leaves using micro/nano hybrid-structured immuno-electrochemical biosensor, J. Electrochemical Society, 167, 027530, 2020, (IF=3.12) 產學合作


Lin, Y. T., Chen, S. T., Chang, J. C., Toeh, R. J., Liu, C. S.**, Wang, G. J.*, Green extraction of healthy and chemical free mitochondria with a conventional centrifuge, Lab on a Chip, 19, 3862-3869, 2019. (IF=6.914)


Plekhanova, V., Tikhonenko, S. A., Dubrovsky, A., Kim, A., Musin, E., Wang, G. J., Kuznetsova, I., Kolesov, V., Reshetilov, A., Comparative study of the electrochemical sensors based on enzyme immobilized into polyelectrolyte microcapsules and into chitozan gel, Analytical Science, 35 (9), 1037-1043, 2019. (IF=1.618) 台-俄國際合作


Tung, Y. T., Liang, J. J., Feng, H. T., Jhang, R. N., Hsieh, S. L., Lin, Y. L.*, Wang, G. J.*, Investigation of the extremely weak interaction between the Japanese Encephalitis virus and CLEC5A using a multivalent-interaction-enhancement sensing electrode, Biosensors and Bioelectronics: x, 100024, 2019. (IF=9.518)


Lin, Y. C., Liao, S., Huang, T., and Wang, G. J.*, A novel biosensor electrode with self-assembled monolayer of gold nanoparticle on a micro hemisphere array, J. Electrochemical Society, 166 (6) B349-B354, 2019, (IF=3.12)


Reshetilov, A., Plekhanova, Y., Tarasov, S., Tikhonenko, S., Dubrovsky, A., Kim, A., Kashin, V., Machulin, A., Wang, G. J., Kolesov, V., Kuznetsova, I., Bioelectrochemical properties of enzyme-containing multilayered polyelectrolyte microcapsules modified with multiwalled carbon nanotubes, Membranes, 9 (4), 53, 2019. (SCIE) 台-俄國際合作


Su, C. H., Chen, J. W., Chen, L. D., Chang, J. C., Liu, C. S., Chang, C. C.*, and Wang, G. J.*, Organic Small Molecule for Detection and Photodegradation of Mitochondrial DNA Mutations, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 39 (7), 5947-5955, 2019. (IF=5.047)


Jian, Y. S., Lee, C. H., Jan, F. J**, and Wang, G. J.*, Detection of odontoglossum ringspot virus infected phalaenopsis using a nano-structured biosensor, J. Electrochemical Society, 165 (9) H449-H454, 2018, (IF=3.12)


Tseng, Y. T., Li, C. W., and Wang, G. J.*, Template-assisted fabrication of tunable aspect ratio, biocompatible iron oxide pillar arrays, Advanced Materials Letter, 9(4), 249-257, 2018.


Wu, C. T. and Wang, G. J., Design and manufacture of high-filling-efficiency microfluidic devices, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 97, 5–8, pp 1711–1717, 2018. (IF=2.496)


Hsiao, Y. H., Li, C. H., Chang, J. C, Liu, C. S.*, Wang, G. J.*, Chemical-free extraction of functional mitochondria using a microfluidic device, Inventions, 3, 68 (11 pages), 2018.


Peng, C. Y., Hsu, C. W., Li, C. W., Wang, P. L., Jeng, C. C., Chang, C. C.**, Wang, G. J.*, A flexible photonic crystal material for multiple anti-counterfeiting applications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 (11), 9858–9864, 2018. (IF=8.456)


Tung, Y. T., Chang, C. C., Ju, J. C.*, and Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of a reticular poly(lactide-co-glycolide) cylindrical scaffold for the in vitro development of microvascular networks, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18(1), 163-171, 2017. (IF=3.585)


Shen, M. C., Lai, J. C., Hong, C. Y., and Wang, G. J.*, Electrochemical aptasensor for detecting Der p2 allergen using polycarbonate-based double-generation gold nanoparticle chip, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 13, 75-80, 2017.


Cai, S. J., Li, C. W., Weihs, D., and Wang, G. J.*, Control of cell proliferation by a porous chitosan scaffold with multiple releasing capabilities, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 18(1), 987-996, 2017. (IF=3.585)


Peng, S. W., Li, C. W., Chiu, I. M., and Wang, G. J.*, Nerve guidance conduit with a hybrid structure of a PLGA microfibrous bundle wrapped in a micro/nanostructured membrane, Inter. J. Nanomedicine, 12, 421-432, 2017. (IF=4.471)


Peng, C. Y., Hsu, C. W., Li, C. W., Wang, G. J.*, Using anodic aluminum oxide film and nanoimprint to produce polymer anti-counterfeit labels, Smart Science, 5(3), 117-122, 2017.


Yeh, B. Y., Jian, B. S., Wang, G. J., and Tseng, W. J., CuO/V2O5 hybrid nanowires for highly sensitive and selective H2S gas sensor, RSC Adv., 7, 49605, 2017. (IF=3.049)


Ciudad, P, Dower, R , Nicoli, F , Orfaniotis, G, Maruccia, M , Constantinescu, T , Lin, S. P., Wang, G. J.*, Chen, H. C., Pelvic-perineal reconstruction with the combined transverse upper gracilis and profunda artery perforator (TUG-PAP) flap, Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, 69(4), 573-575, 2016. (IF=2.228)


Chen, C. C., Lai, Z. L., Wang, G. J.*,, and Wu, C. Y.**, Polymerase chain reaction-free detection of hepatitis B virus DNA using a nanostructured impedance biosensor, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 77, 603-608, 2016. (IF=9.518)


Chang, C. Y., Sasaki, M., Kumagai, S., and Wang, G. J.*, Design of microplasma electrodes for plasma-on-chip devices, Journal of Physics D, Applied Physics, 49, 155203, 2016. (IF=2.829)


Tung, Y. T., Chang, C. C.*, Y. L. Lin, Hsieh, S. L., and Wang, G. J.*, Development of double-generation gold nanoparticle chip-based dengue virus detection system combining fluorescence turn-on probes, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 77, 90-98, 2016. (IF=9.518)


Li, C. W., Pan, W. T., Ju, J. C., Wang, G. J.*, An endothelial cell conditioned medium embedded in porous PLGA scaffold for the enhancement of mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation, Biomedical Materials, 11, 025015, 2016. (IF=3.44)


Lin, Y. T., Li, C. W., and Wang, G. J.*, The nano/micro hybrid structures enhancing B35 cell guidance on chitosan, ASME Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 6, 030702, 2016.


Hsu, C. W., Su, F. C., Peng, P. Y., Young, H. T., Liao, S., and Wang, G. J.*, Highly sensitive non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose biosensor using a photolithography fabricated micro/nano hybrid structured electrode, Sensors and Actuators B, 230, 559-565, 2016. (IF=6.393)


Lee, B. Y., Li, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, Nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide tube encapsulating a microporous chitosan/collagen composite for long-acting drug release, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 1, 045004, 2015.


Liao, E. C, Chang, C. Y., Wu, C. C., Wang, G. J., Tsai, J. W., Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the MD-2 gene promoter region with Der p 2 allergy, Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 7(3), 249-255, 2015. (IF=5.026)


Hsu, C. W., Feng, W. C., Su, F. C., and Wang, G. J.*, A novel electrochemical glucose biosensor with a silicon nanowire array electrode, J. Electrochemical Society, 162(10), B1-B5, 2015. (IF=3.12)


Hsieh, Y. D., Lee, M. Y., and Wang, G. J.*, Sb2S3 quantum-dot sensitized solar cells with silicon nanowire photoelectrode, Inter. J. of Photoenergy, Vol. 2015, Article ID 213858, 2015. (IF=2.026)


Hsu, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, Highly sensitive glucose biosensor based on Au–Ni coaxial nanorod array having high aspect ratio, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 56, 204-209, 2014. (IF=9.518)


Tung, Y. T., Wu, M. F., Wang, G. J.*, and Hsieh, S. L**, Nanostructured electrochemical biosensor for the detection of the weak binding between the Dengue Virus and the CLEC5A receptor, Nanomedicine: NBM, 10, 1335-1341, 2014. (IF=5.57)


Wu, C. C.*, Ku, B. C., Ko, C. H., Chiu, C. C., Wang, G. J., Yang, Y. H., Wu, S. J., Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis of A-beta (1-42) peptide using a nanostructured biochip, Electrochimica Acta, 134, 249-257, 2014. (IF=5.383)


Chin, Y. T., Liao, E. C., Wu, C. C., Wang, G. J.*, and Tsai, J. J.*, Detection of the haplotype mutations of the MD-2 gene promoter associated with Der p2-induced allergy using a nanostructured biosensor, Inter. J. Nanomedicine, 9, 403-412, 2014. (IF=4.471)


Liu, H. C. and Wang, G. J.*, Superior antireflection coating for a silicon cell with a micro-nano hybrid structure, Inter. J. of Photoenergy, Vol. 2014, 807812, 2014. (IF=2.026)


Wu, J. Y., Li,C. W., Tsai, C. H., Chou, C. W., Chen, D. R., and Wang, G. J.*, Synthesis of antibacterial TiO2/PLGA composite biofilms, Nanomedicine: NBM, 10, 1097-1107, 2014. (IF=5.57)


Hsu, C. W., Li, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of biocompatible high aspect ratio Au–Ni coaxial nanorod arrays using the electroless Galvanic displacement reaction method, RSC advances, 4, 12127-12132, 2014. (IF=3.049)


Tsai, Y. T., Chang, K. J., and Wang, G. J.*, Measurement and control of the ion diffusion coefficient in a nanochannel, Microsystem Technologies, 19, 937-944. (2013)


Chung, I. C., Li, C. W., and Wang, G. J.*, The influence of different nanostructured scaffolds on fibroblast growth, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 14, 044401. (2013).


Liu, H. C. and Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of high anti-reflection nanowires on silicon using two-stage metal-assisted etching, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 5, 053115. (2013).


Chin, Y. T., Liao, E. C., Wu, C. C., Wang, G. J.*, and Tsai, J. J.*, Label-free detection of single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with myeloid differentiation-2 using a nanostructured biosensor, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 49, 506-511. (2013).


Wang, H. W., Cheng, C. W., Li, C. W., Wu, P. H., and Wang, G. J.*, Hollow three-dimensional endothelialized microvessel networks based on femtosecond laser ablation, Biomedical Microdevices, 15, 879-885. (2013).


Tsai, J. J., Liu, Y. F., Liao, E. C., Chen, J. L, and Wang, G. J.*, Reduction of incubation time and enhancement of analyte adhesion uniformity of impedance biosensors using microvibration method, Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 178, 404-411. (2013)


Lin, Y. W. and Wang, G. J.*, Dielectrophoresis measurement of bovine endothelial cells adhesion on different materials, Microsystem Technologies, 19, 945-955. (2013)


Tsai, C. C. and Wang, G. J.*, A glucose biosensor based on a 3D nanostructured gold electrode, J. Electrochemical Society, 160(1), B1-B5. (2013)


Liu, H. C., Tsai, C. C. and Wang, G. J.*, Glucose biosensors based on a gold nanodendrite modified screen-printed electrode, Nanotechnology, 24, 215101. (2013).


Chou, C. W.*, Hsieh, H. H., Chen, K. S., Hong-Ru Lin, H. R., Wang, G. J., Chang, H. C., Pan, Y. L., Wei, Y. S., Chang, K. S., and Harn, Y. W., Biopolymer coated gold nanocrystals prepared using the green chemistry approach and their shape-dependent catalytic and surface-enhanced Raman scattering properties, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 11275-11286. (2013).


Li, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, A material-independent cell–environment niche based on micro-reciprocating motion for cell growth enhancement, Biofabrication, 5, 045001. (2013).


Book Chapter
Lee, J. W. and Wang, G. J.*, “Tissue Scaffolding Devices,” MEMS for biomedical applications, Woodhead Publishing Limited, (2012, 07).


Liu, Y. F., Tsai, J. J., Chin, Y. T., Liao, E. C., Wu, C. C., Wang, G. J.*, Detection of allergies using a silver nanoparticle modified nanostructured biosensor, Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical, 171-172, 1095-1100. (2012) (SCI, IF=5.667, 2/61)


Chen, Y. S., Wu, C. C., Tsai, J. J., and Wang, G. J.*, An electrochemical impedimetric biosensor based on a nanostructured polycarbonate (PC) substrate, Inter. J. Nanomedicine, 7, 133-140 (2012)


Wang, H. W., Cheng, C. W., Li, C. W., Chang, H. W., Wu, P. H., Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of pillared PLGA microvessel scaffold using femtosecond laser ablation, Inter. J. Nanomedicine, 7, 1865-1873. (2012)


Ho, J. Y. and Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of high aspect ratio nanoporous array on silicon, Microsystem Technologies, 18, 1849-1856. (2012)


Chang, C. Y. and Wang, G. J.*, Anodic Aluminum Oxide Diodes, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50(7), 075201 (4 pages) (2011)


Wang, G. J.*, Lee, M. W., Chen, W. Z., Chen, Y. H., Chien, M. C., Yu, M. C., A Metal-Solution Field-Effect-Transistor Enhanced Proton-Motive-Force Driving Photovoltaic, IEEE Trans. on Nanotechnology, 10, 191-196. Cover page (2011)


Lin, Y. H., Chang, K. J., and Wang, G. J.*, A Novel Chip-on-Glass method for Slim LCD Packaging, Microsystem Technologies, 17, 685-691. (2011)


Tsai, J. J., Bau, I. J., Chen, H. T., Lin, Y. T., and Wang, G. J.*, A novel nanostructured biosensor for the detection of the dust mite antigen Der p2, Inter. J. Nanomedicine, 6, 1201-1208. (2011)


Tubtimtae, A., Lee, M. W.*, and Wang, G. J., Ag2Se quantum-dot sensitized solar cells for full solar spectrum light harvesting, Journal of Power Sources, 196, 6603-6608. (2011)


Tubtimtae, A., Wu, K. L., Tung, H. Y., Lee, M. W.*, Wang, G. J., Ag2S quantum dot-sensitized solar cells, Electrochemistry Communications, 12, 1158-1160 (2010)


Wang, C. G. and Wang, G. J.*, A MOSFET-like infrared sensor for the enhancement of photoconductivity and photoresponsivity, Current Nanoscience, 6(6), 648-653. (2010)


Chen, G. Y., Lee, M. W., and Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of Dye- Sensitized Solar Cells with A 3D Nanostructured Electrode, Inter. J. of Photoenergy, 2010, Article ID 585621, 7 pages, DOI:10.1155/2010/585621, (2010)


Chen, Y. C., Chen, G. Y., Lin, Y. C., and Wang, G. J.*, A Lab-on-a-Chip Capillary Network for Red Blood Cell Hydrodynamics, Microfluidics and Nnaofluidics, 9, 585-591. (2010).


Lai, M. H., Tubtimtae, A., Lee, M. W.*, Wang, G. J., ZnO-Nanorod Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: New Structure without a Transparent Conducting Oxide Layer, Inter. J. of Photoenergy, 2010, Article ID 497095, 5 pages, , (2010)


Hsu, C. W., Chou, Z. D., and Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of High Aspect Ratio Alumina-Nickel Coaxial Nanorod Array by Electrodeposition, ASME/IEEE J. of Microelectromechnaical System, 19(4), 849-853 (2010)..


Wang, G. J.* and Chou, S. W., Electrophoretic deposition of uniformly distributed TiO2 nanoparticles using an anodic aluminum oxide template for efficient photolysis, Nanotechnology, 21, 115206, (2010)


Wang, G. J.*, Lin, Y. C., Lee, J. W,, Hsueh, C. C., Hsu, S. h, Hung, H. S., Fabrication of Orderly Nanostructured PLGA Scaffolds Using Anodic Aluminum Oxide Templates, Biomedical Microdevices, 11, 843-850. (2009)


Wang, G. J.*, Chen, W. Z., Chang, K., A two-step etching method to fabricate nanopores in silicon, Microsystem Technologies, 14, 925-927. (2008)


Wang, G. J.*, Chen, H. T., Yang, H., Fabrication of crystalline indium tin oxide nanobaskets electrode using AAO template, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47(7), 5727-5729. (2008)


Chien, M. C., Wang, G. J.*, Yu. M. C., Nanopore Size Estimation Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47(9), 7459-7463. (2008)


Wang, G. J.*, Ho, K. H., Hsueh, C. C., Biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA) microstructures for scaffold applications, Microsystem Technologies, 14, 989-993. (2008)


Wang, G. J.*, Lee, M. W., Chen, Y. H., A TiO2/CNT coaxial structure and standing CNT array laminated photocatalyst to enhance the photolysis efficiency of TiO2, Photochemistry and Photobiology, 84, 1493-1499. (2008)


Wang, G. J.*, Lin, Y. C., Lin, G. S., “A Novel Contact Resistance Model of Anisotropic Conductive Film for FPD Packaging,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 11-12. pp. 1477-1482. (2007)


Fan, J. Y., Chien, M. C, Wang, G. J.*, “Experimental Investigation on the Bi-directional Growing Mechanism of the Foils Laminate Approach in AAO Fabrication,” Nanoscale Research Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 49-53. (2007)


Wang, G. J.*, Ho, K. H., Hsu, S. H., Wang, K. P., “Microvessel Scaffold with Circular Microchannels by Photoresist Melting,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 9, pp. 657-663. (2007)


Wang, G. J.*, Lin, B. S. and Chang, K., “In-Situ Neural Network Process Controller for Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 32, pp. 42-54. (2007)


Chien, M. C., Wang, G. J.*, Yu. W. C., “Modeling Ion Diffusion Current in a Nanochannel Using Infinitesimal Distribution RC Circuits,” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 46, No. 11, pp. 7436-7440. (2007)


Wang, G. J.*, Lin, Y. C., Lin, G. S., “Ultra Fine Pitch Flat Panel Display Packaging Using 3m Conductive Particles,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 11-12. pp. 1471-1476. (2007)


Wang, G. J.*, Hsueh, C. C., Hsu, S. H., Hung, H. S., “Fabrication of PLGA Microvessel Scaffolds with Circular Microchannels Using Soft Lithography,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 17, pp. 2000-2005. (2007)


Wang, G. J.* and Yu, C. H., “Developing a Neural Network Based Run-To-Run Process Controller For Chemical Mechanical Planarization,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 28, No. 9, pp 899-908. (2006)


Wang, G. J.* and Hsu, Y. F., “Structure Optimization of Microvascular Scaffolds” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp 51-58. (2006)


Wang, G. J.* and Hsu, W. H., “PET Laminated Thin-Film Capillary Electrophoresis Chips by Sandwiching Method,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 30, No 1-2, pp. 87-91. (2006)


Wang, G. J.*, Yu, W. C., Lin, Y. H., Yang, H., “Modeling and Fabrication of a Piezoelectric Vibration-Induced Micro Power Generator,” Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 29, No. 4. pp. 697-706. (2006)


Yu, W. C. and Wang, G. J.*, “Discrete Sliding Mode Controller Design Based on the LQR Suboptimal Approach with Application on AC Servo Motor,” Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 29, No 5, pp. 873-882. (2006)


Wang, G. J.*, Chang, J. H., and Yang H., “Triplex-Pumping CD-Like Microfluidic Platform with Parabolic Microchannels,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 12, No. 10-11. pp. 899-905. (2006)


Wang, G. J.* and Liu, H. R., “Piezoelectric Actuated Multiple Channels Optical Switch,” Analog integrated circuits and signal processing, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp15-20. (2006)


Wang, G. J.*, Hsu, Y. F., Hsu, S. H., Horng, R. H. “JSR Photolithography Based Microvascular Fabrication and Cell Seeding” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp 17-23. (2006)


Chen, S. N., Wang, G. J.* and M. C. Chien, “Analytical modeling of piezoelectric vibration-induced micro power generator, “Mechatronics, Vol. 16, pp 379-387. (2006)


Chang, Y. Z., Yang, M. W., Wang, G. J.*, “A New Mass Spectrometry Electro-Spray Tip Based on Precise Mechanical Micro Machining,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 383, No. 1, pp. 76-82. (2005)


Wang, G. J.*, Lee, C. K., Hsu, C. C.,” Toward a Comprehensively Interdisciplinary Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Personnel Training Program In Taiwan,” INNOVATIONS 2005-World Innovations in Engineering Education and Research, Chapter IV. (2005)


Wang, G. J.* and Chou, M. H., “A Neural-Taguchi Based Quasi Time-Optimal Control Strategy For Chemical Mechanical Polishing Processes,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 26, No. 7-8, pp. 759-765. (2005)


Wang, G. J.*, Chen, C. L., Hsu, S. H., and Chiang, Y. L., “Bio-MEMS Fabricated Artificial Vascular Network for Tissue Engineering,” Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 12, No. 1-2, pp. 120-127. (2005)


Wang, G. J.*, Cheng, Y. D, Chang, K.,” A New Neural Fuzzy Control System with Heuristic Learning,” International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 158-168. (2005)


Wang, G. J.*, Hsu, W. H., Chang, Y. Z., Yang, H. H. “Centrifugal and Electric Field Forces Dual-Pumping CD-Like Microfluidic Platform for Biomedical Separation,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 47-53. (2004)


Yu, W. C. and Wang, G. J.*, “Discrete Sliding Mode Control with Forgetting Dynamic Sliding Surface,“ Mechatronics, Vol. 14, pp. 737-755. (2004)


Wang, G. J.*, Yang, M. W., Chang, Y. Z. “Dead Volume Free Micro-machined Electro-spray Chip for Mass Spectrometry,” Biomedical Microdevices, Vol. 6, No. 2. pp. 159-164 (2004)


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Chu, T. F. and Wang, G. J.*, A high-power non-enzymatic glucose biofuel cell based on a nano/micro hybrid-structured gold anode, 236th ECS, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. (2019)


Lin, Y. T., Kuznetsova, I., and Wang, G. J.*, Genetically modified soybean detection using a biosensor electrode with self-assembled gold nanoparticles on a micro hemisphere array, The ASME 13th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Anaheim, California, USA. (2019).


Wang, W. J., Lee, C. H., Li, C. W., Liao, S., Jan, F. J., and Wang, G. J.*, Direct label free detection of orchid virus using a micro/nano hybrid structured biosensor, The ASME 13th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Anaheim, California, USA. (2019).


Chen, S. T., Chang, J. C., Liu, C. S., and Wang, G. J., A novel centrifugal device for mass-production of healthy mitochondria, IEEE NANOMED 2018, Hawaii, USA. (2018).


Tung, Y. T., Jhang, R. N., Lin, Y. L., and Wang, G. J., Determine the binding epitope of the low affinity interaction between dengue virus and CLEC5A by a multivalent-interaction-reinforcing sensor surface, IEEE NANOMED 2018, Hawaii, USA. (2018).


Su, C. Y. and Wang, G. J.*, Development of a three-dimensional printer for water-soluble biomaterial printing, The ASME 12th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. (2018).


Lin, Y. C. and Wang, G. J.*, A novel biosensor electrode with self-assembled gold nanoparticles on a micro hemisphere array, Biosensors 2018, Miami, Florida, USA. (2018).


Lin, Y. C., Li, C. W., and Wang, G. J.*, A novel biosensor electrode with self-assembled gold nanoparticles on a micro hemisphere array, 2017 European Advanced Materials Congress, Stockholm, Sweden. (2017).


Li, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, Double-layer nerve guide conduit with palisade poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) tube wrapped by microporous chitosan–collagen composite, The ASME 11th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Cleveland, OH, USA. (2017).


Li, C. W., Su, C. H., Chang, C. C., and Wang, G. J.*,Detection of the mitochondrial DNA 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine mutations via a fluorescence resonance energy transfer approach, The ASME 11th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Cleveland, OH, USA. (2017).


Tung, Y. T., Chu, J. C., and Wang, G. J.*, In vitro development of microvascular networks with a cylindrical fibrin scaffold, IEEE-NEMS 2017.


Tseng, R. C., Li, C. W., and Wang, G. J.*, Fabrication of biocompatible ordered iron oxide nanopillars for cell behavior observation, IEEE-NEMS 2017.


Tung, Y. T. and Wang, G. J.*, In vitro development of microvessels using a scaffold of cylindrical PLGA, The ASME 10th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Charlotte, NC, USA. (2016).


Hsiao, Y. H., Li, C. W., Chang, J. C., Liu, C. S., and Wang, G. J.*, A microfluidic device for green extraction of healthy mitochondria, GCBME 2016, Taipei, Taiwan. (2016)


Shen, M. C. and Wang, G. J.*, Electrochemical aptasensor for allergen Der p2 detection using a polycarbonate based double-generation gold nanoparticle chip, Biosensors 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden. (2016)


Lee, B. Y., Li, C. W., and Wang, G. J.*, A microporous chitosan/collagen composite encapsulated small tube of nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide for long-acting drug release, 2015 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Houston, TX, USA. (2015). The Best Paper Award-MEMS Division.


Hsu,C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, Polymer anti-counterfeiting labels based on photonic crystal structural color, International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan. (2015).


Hsu,C. W., Su,F. C., Peng,P. Y., Young,H. T., Yang,M.,and Wang, G. J.*, A novel non-enzymatic electrochemical glucose biosensor based on a simple lithographic process, The ASME 9th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Boston, MA, USA. (2015). The Best Paper Award.


Li, C. W., Yen, P. H., and Wang, G. J.*, A cascade microfluidic device for high quality mitochondria extraction. The ASME 9th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Boston, MA, USA. (2015).


Tung, Y.T., Wang, G. J.*, and Ju, J. C., Developing a microvascular network using a cylinder plga scaffold, The Biomaterials International Conference 2015,June 1-5, 2015, Kenting ,Taiwan.


Hsu, C. W., Hsieh, Y. D., and Wang, G. J.*, Quantum dots/silicon nanowire coaxial photoelectrode-based dye-sensitized solar cells, The 2015 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, April 27-30, Montpellier, France (2015).


Hsu, C. W., Feng, W. C., Chang, K. J, and Wang, G. J.*, A novel and simple electrochemical glucose biosensor based on a silicon nanowire array electrode, The ASME 8th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Buffalo, NY, USA. (2014) The Best Paper Award.


Chen, C. C. and Wang, G. J.*, PCR free detection of hepatitis b virus DNA using a nanostructured impedance biosensor, The ASME 8th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Buffalo, NY, USA. (2014)


Pan, W. T., Wang, G. J.*, A novel control release platform of porous plga/gelatin composite for fast induction of mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation, Novel Biomaterials and Technology for use in Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering, June 4, London, UK (2014)


Tung, Y. T., Wu, M. F., Wang, G. J.*, and Hsieh, S. L**, A novel method for detecting glycoprotein-ligand interactions between dengue virus and its receptor CLEC5A using a nanostructured biosensor, Biosensors 2014, May 27-30, Melbourne, Australia (2014).


Yen, P. H., Li, C. W., Wang, G. J.*, A cascade microfluidic device for high quality mitochondria extraction, Advances in Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, May 21-23, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2014).


Feng, W. C., Hsu, C. W., Liu, H. C., and Wang, G. J.*, A cost effective and highly sensitive glucose biosensor based on a 3d silicon nanowire array electrode, The 2014 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, April 1-4, Cannes, France (2014).


Chung, I. C. and Wang, G. J.*, “Nanomolding of nanostructured biodegradable tissue engineering scaffolds,” Proceedings of the ASME 7th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, DETC2013-12175, Portland, OR, USA. (2013)


Hsu, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, “High aspect ratio Au/Ni coaxial nanorod arrays for biosensing applications,” Proceedings of the ASME 7th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, DETC2013-12869, Portland, OR, USA. (2013)


Chin, Y. T. and Wang, G. J.*, “Detection of base pairs in single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) using a nanostructured biosensor,” The 2013 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, April 16-18, Barcelona, Spain (2013).


Liu, H. C., Tsai, C. C., Chang, K. J., and Wang, G. J.*, “A highly sensitive biosensor based on a 3D gold nanostructure modified screen-printed electrode for glucose detection,” The 2013 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, April 16-18, Barcelona, Spain (2013).


Li, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, “A material and surface morphology independent micro environment “niche” for tissue engineering,” paper # 120, IEEE-NEMS 2013, April 7-10, Suzhou, China (2013).


Wu, J. Y., Li, C. W., Tsai, C. H., and Wang, G. J.*, “Synthesis of antibacterial TiO2/PLGA composite biofilms,” paper # 121, IEEE-NEMS 2013, April 7-10, Suzhou, China (2013).


Wang, G. J.*, Liu, Y. F., Wu, Wu, C. C., “In-vitro allergy detection using a silver nanoparticle modified nanostructured biosensor,” Proceedings of the ASME 6th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, DETC2012-70299, Chicago, IL, USA. (2012)


Lin, Y. W. and Wang, G. J.*, “Measurement of adhesion of bovine endothelial cells on different materials using dielectrophoresis,” Proceeding of the 2012 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, (2012).


Tsai, Y. T. and Wang, G. J.*, “Control of the ion diffusion coefficient in a nanochannel,” Proceeding of the 2012 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, (2012).


Chen, Y. S. and Wang, G. J.*, “A high sensitivity and low-cost polycarbonate (pc)-based biosensor,” paper # 3, IEEE-NEMS 2012, March 6-8, Kyoto, Japan.


Li, C. W., Chen, J. L., Wu, C. C., Wang, G. J.*, “The optimal vibrational shear stress for bovine endothelial cell proliferation,” paper # 183, IEEE-NEMS 2012, March 6-8, Kyoto, Japan.


Bau, I. J. And Wang, G. J.*, “A highly sensitive electrochemical impedimetric nanobiosensor for dust mite antigen Der p2 detection”, Proceedings of the ASME 5th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, DETC2011-47123, Washington DC, USA. (2011)


Wang, H. W., Cheng, C. W., Li, C. W., Wang, G. J.*, “Fabrication of pillared PLGA microvessel scaffold using femtosecond laser ablation”, Proceedings of the ASME 5th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, DETC2011-47532, Washington DC, USA. (2011)


Li, C. W. Chen, J. L., Wang, G. J.*, “A simple method for investigating the optimal shear stress for cell growth“, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Bioengineering, August 18-21, 2011, Tainan, Taiwan, (2011)


Tsai, Y. T and Wang, G. J.*, “Measurement of Diffusivity in Nanochannels,” Proceeding of the 2011 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, (2011)


Ho, J. Y. and Wang, G. J.*, “Fabrication of High Aspect Ratio Nanoporous Array on Silicon,” Proceeding of the 2011 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, (2011)


Wang, G. J.*, “Applications of Nanotechnology in Biomedical Micro/Nano Devices,” 2010 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, SSDM-8049, Sep., 2010, Tokyo, Japan (Invited).


Li, C. W. and Wang, G. J.*, “investigation of the influences of micro vibrational stimuli and hydrophilicity of a scaffold on a bovine endothelial cell culture,” Proceedings of the ASME 4th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, 10-DETC-28115, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. (2010)


Wang, G. J.*, Lin, Y. H., and Chang, K., “A Novel Chip-on-Glass method for Slim LCD Packaging,” Proceeding of the 2010 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, (2010)


Wang, G. J., Chen, G. Y., Lin, Y. C., " A Lab-on-a-Chip Capillary Network for Red Blood Cell Diagnosis," Proceedings of the ASME 3rd International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, 09-DETC-87299, San Diego, California, USA. (2009)


Wang, G. J. and Lin, Y. D., “A 3-Dimensional Nanobiosensor Based on an Anodic Aluminum Oxide Template,” Proceeding of the Nanotech 2009, #284, May 3-7, Houston, Texas, USA. (2009)


Hsu, C. W. and Wang, G. J., “Fabrication of Patterned Array of Alumina-Metal Coaxial Nanorods,” Proceeding of the 2009 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, #1001. (2009)


Wang, G. J., Chien, M. C., "Nanopore size estimation using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis," Proceedings of the ASME 2nd International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, 08-DETC-49699, New York City, USA. (2008)


Wang, G. J., "A Novel Chloroplastmimic Photovoltaics Powered by Proton Motive Force," Proceedings of the 8th Emerging Information and Technology Conference, Tainan, Taiwan. (2008)


Hsueh, C. C., Wang, G. J., Hsu, S. h, Hung, H. S., “Fabrication of nanostructured PLGA scaffolds using anodic aluminum oxide templates,” Proceeding of the 2008 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, #1091. (2008)


Wang, G. J., Shueh, C. C., "Fabrication of PLGA Microstructures Made Up of Circular Microchannels Using Soft Lithography," Proceedings of the ASME 1st International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, 07-DETC-34321, Las Vegas, USA. (2007)


Wang, G. J., Shueh, C. C., "A Novel Chloroplastmimic Photovoltaics with Full Visible Spectrum Operation," Proceedings of the ASME 1st International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, 07-DETC-34322, Las Vegas, USA. (2007)


Wang, G. J., Ho, K. H., Hsueh, C. C., “Biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA) microstructures for scaffold applications,” Proceeding of the 2007 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, pp 260-263. (2007)


Wang, G. J., Chen, W. Z., Chang, K., “A two-step etching method to fabricate nanopores in silicon,” Proceeding of the 2007 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, pp 169-172. (2007)


Wang, G. J., Chen, W. Z., Lee, M. W., “A Novel Chloroplastmimic Photovoltaics with Full Visible Spectrum Operation,” Taiwan-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Research and Education of Nanotechnology, Tokyo, Japan. (2006)


Chien, M. C., Yang, F. C., and Wang, G. J.*, “Modeling of ion diffusion induced current through a nanochannel”, European Nano Systems 2006. Dec. 14-15, Paris, France.


Fan, J. Y., Yang, F. C., Chien, M. C., and Wang, G. J.*, “Experimental investigation on the bi-directional growing mechanism of the foils laminate approach in aao fabrication,” European Nano Systems 2006. Dec. 14-15, Paris, France.


Wang, G. J., Lin, Y. C., Lin, G. S., “Ultra Fine Pitch Flat Panel Display Packaging Using 3M Conductive Particles,” Proceeding of the 2006 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, pp 20-24. (2006)


Wang, G. J., Lin, Y. C., Lin, G. S., “ A Novel Contact Resistance Model of Anisotropic Conductive Film For FPD Packaging,” Proceeding of the 2006 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, pp 105-109. (2006)


Wang, G. J. and Chang, W. C., “Imitation of the ion diffusion and ion pumping mechanisms of a living cell by nanoporous alumina membrane,” European Nano Systems 2005, Dec. 14-16, Paris, France.


Wang, G. J. and Peng, C. S., “Control Porous Pattern of Anodic Aluminum Oxide by Foils Laminate Approach,” European Nano Systems 2005, Dec. 14-16, Paris, France.


Wang, G. J., “Structure Optimization, Fabrication, and Cell Seeding of Microvessel Scaffold for Tissue Engineering,” 1st International Forum of Tissue Engineering and Clinical Adult Stem Cell Therapy, Taichung, Taiwan. (2005)


Wang, G. J. and Liu H. R.,“Piezoelectric Actuated Multiple Channels Optical Switch, ” Proceeding of the 2005 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, pp 268-272. (2005)


Wang, G. J., Chang, J. H., and Yang H., “Triplex-Pumping CD-Like Microfludic Platform with Parabolic Microchannels,” Proceeding of the 2005 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, pp 49-55. (2005)


Chen, S. N., Wang, G. J., Yu, W. C., “Analytic Modeling and Experimental Verification of Thin-film Piezoelectric Vibration-Induced Micro Power Generator,” The 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Paper # 59543. (2004)


Wang, G. J., Lin, B. S., Chang, K., “Neural Network Based Run-To-Run Process Controller For Copper Chemical Mechanical Polishing”, The 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Paper # 59546. (2004)


Wang, G. J., and Hsu, C. C., “Toward A Comprehensively Interdisciplinary Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Personnel Training Program,” Proceeding of the 2004 International Conference on Engineering Education and Research, pp. 773-778. (Plenary Session) (2004)


Wang, G. J., Chen, C. L., Hsu, S. H., and Chiang, Y. L., “Bio-MEMS Fabricated Artificial Vascular Network for Tissue Engineering,” Proceeding of the 2004 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, pp. 355-360. (2004)


Yu, W. C., Wang, G. J., and Chang, C. C., “Discrete Sliding Model Control with Forgetting Dynamic Sliding Surface,” ICICS 2003. (2003)


Wang, G. J. , Yu, W. C., and Chang, C. C., “Model Reference Based Sliding Mode Controller with Application to AC Servomotors Precise Positioning,” ICICS 2003. (2003)


Yu, W. C. and Wang, G. J., “Discrete Suboptimal Frequency-Shaped Sliding Mode Control, “ ICMT 2003. (2003)


Wang, G. J., Lin, Y. H., Yang, H. H., Pan, C. T., “Design And Fabrication Of A High Efficiency Piezoelectric Vibration-Induced Micro Power Generator,” The 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Paper # 42682. (2003)


Yu, W. C. and Wang, G. J., “Discrete Sliding Mode Controller Design Based on the Suboptimal LQR Approach,“The 2003 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Paper # 42589. (2003)


Wang, G. J., Cheng, W., Yang, J, and Pan, C., “Aspheric Micro-Lens-Array fabricated by excimer laser dragging,” The 2002 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Paper # 34306. (2002)


Tsai, J. C. and Wang, G. J., “Design and Prototyping A Wireless Autonomous Guided Vehicle in Undergraduate Mechanical Design Practice," Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Engineering Education, paper No. 0309, Manchester, United Kingdom. (2002)


Tsai, J. C. and Wang, G. J., Chiou, S. J., Chen, J. L., Fann, K. J., and Chen, T. Y., “A Curriculum in Machine Tools Technologies for Mechanical Engineering Graduates,” Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Engineering Education, paper No. 0219, Manchester, United Kingdom. (2002)


Wang, G. J., S. Y. Wang, and Chin, C. H., “Fabrication and Modeling of the Gray-scale Mask Based Aspheric Refraction Microlens Array,” Proceeding of the 2002 Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS Conference, France, pp. 765-775. (2002)


Wang, G. J. and Chou, M. H., “A Neural-Taguchi Based Quasi Time-Optimal Control Strategy For Chemical Mechanical Polishing Processes,” 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Paper # EEP-15-1. (2001)


Chen, J. L., Wang, G. J., Guo, B. H., and Tsai, M. S., “Process Parameters analysis for CMP Pad Conditioning,” Proceeding of the Symposium on Nano Device Technology 2001, HsinChu, Taiwan, pp 134-137. (2001)


Wang, G. J., Chen, J. L., and Hwang, J. Y., “A New Optimization Strategy For Chemical Mechanical Polishing Process,” Proceeding of the 2000 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Orlando, Florida. (2000)


Tsai, J. C. and Wang, G. J., August, “Prototyping An Autonomous Guided Vehicle in Undergraduate Mechanical Design,” Proceeding of the 2000 International Conference on Engineering Education, paper WD1-5, Taipei, Taiwan. (2000)


Wang, G. J. and Yeh, J. Y., “A Robust Sliding Mode Controller for Singular Perturbation System,” Proceeding of The Sixth International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, pp 609-616. (2000)


Wang, G. J., Wu, J. G., Chang K., “A New Neural Network Based Parameters Optimization Method,” Proceeding of The Sixth International Conference on Automation Technology, Taipei, pp 703-710. (2000)


Tsai, J. C. and Wang, G. J., and Chiou, S. J., "Teaching Undergraduate Mechatronics in Mechanical Design," Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Engineering Education, paper number 242, Ostrava, Czech Republic. (1999)


Wang, G. J. and Huang, C. Y, “A New Optimization Approach for CMP Process, “Proceeding of the 6th Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Taiwan, pp. 119-119. (NSC-88-2212-E-005-016) (1999)


Wang, G. J. and Chen, T. J., “ Cascade Steepest Descendant Learning Algorithm for Multilayer Feedforward Neural Network,” Proceeding of the International Joint Conference of Neural Networks’99, paper # 753, Washington, USA. (1999)


Wang, G. J. and Lee, T. C., “Neural Network Cross-coupled Control System with Application on Circular Tracking of Linear Motor X-Y Table,” Proceeding of the International Joint Conference of Neural Networks’99, paper # 754, Washington, USA. (1999)


Wang, G. J. and Tsai, M. S., “Heuristic Neural Network Learning Control System with Application on AC Servo Motor Precise Positioning,” Proceeding of the 1998 International Conf. On Mechatronic Technology, pp. 275-280 (NSC-86-2212-E-005-015). (1998)


Wang, G. J. and Fong, T. T., " Neural Network-Based Self-Tuning PI Controller for Precise Motion Control of PMAC Motors," Proceeding of the 1998 International Conf. On Mechatronic Technology, pp. 349-354. (NSC-86-2212-E-005-024). (1998)


Wang, G. J. and Fong, T. T., " Neural Network-Based Self-Tuning PI Controller for Precise Motion Control of PMAC Motors," Proceeding of the 1998 International Conf. On Mechatronic Technology, pp. 349-354. (NSC-86-2212-E-005-024). (1998)


Wang, G. J., and Wang, C. C., "Reconstruction of Sculptured Surface on Reverse Engineering," Proceeding of the 1997 ASME Computers in Engineering Conference, Sacramento, California, USA. DETC97/CIE-4288 (NSC-86-2212-E-005-015). (1997)


Wang, G. J., Tsai, J. C., Tzeng, P. C., and Cheng, T. C., "Neural-Taguchi Method for Robust Design," Proceedings of the 1996 ASME Computers in Engineering Conference, 96-DETC/CIE-1327, Irvine, California, USA (NSC 86-2212-E005-015). (1996)


Tseng, P. C. and Wang, G. J., "Tool Failure Recognition in End Mill," Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Automation Technology, AUTOMATION'96, VOL. I, pp 743-750, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (1996)


Wang, G. J., and Luh, C. F., "Neural Network Approach for Repetitive Control System Design," the 1995 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Expositon, November, San Francisco, DSC-Vol. I, pp. 573-560 (NSC 83-0401-E005-038). (1995)


Wang, G. J. and Liu, S. H., "A New Fuzzy-Neural Learning Control Algorithm", The Third International Conference on Automation Technology, AUTOMATION'94, Taipei, Taiwan, Vol. III, pp115-120. (1994)


Wang, G. J., and Cheng, C. C., "Optimal Learning Algorithm for Multilayer Feedforward Neural Networks," IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Orlando, Flordia, Vol. II, pp 850-855. (1994)